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Shoreview Newsletter

The Shoreview Newsletter provides information about what is happening in the Shoreview Community.

Community Newsletter

The Community Newsletter provides information about what is happening in the Shoreview Community.

About the editor

Jacob Goodwin serves as Editor-in-Chief of this monthly newsletter. Many thanks to the homeowners who contributed text, photos and ideas to this month's issue.

Send a Story

Ever want to be a reporter? Now's your chance!

If you learn of something new at Shoreview....or see something you've never seen before....or hear about a unique policy, club, group or program in our community....please let us know.

Just describe your news in one or two paragraphs (and please send a few smartphone photos in JPG format, if possible)

If you have ANY ideas about this newsletter, please let us hear from you. We'll be in touch. Thanks!

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Click on date for event detail.

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